The Forensic Neuropsychological Assessment
Why this assessment?
A neuropsychological assessment for forensic purposes is requested by an attorney to document an individual's strengths and weaknesses given a particular situation such as an accident, disability claim, conservatorship matters, etc. This assessment is a work product that is typically "owned" by the legal referral source rather than the individual being tested. The neuropsychologist embarks on a fact-finding mission in order to provide accurate and thorough documentation concerning the individual's past and present neuropsychological functioning levels.
What is the process of this type of evaluation?
The attorney typically schedules an appointment with the office manager, Scott Mellor. Mr. Mellor will request that records, i.e., educational records, vocational records, medical records (including emergency room reports, paramedic reports, hospital records, imaging reports, physician reports, rehabilitation reports), psychiatric and psychological records, military records, previous psychological and neuropsychological testing reports, police reports, birth records, educational testing records, performance appraisals, and relevant deposition transcripts be sent to the office for review by the neuropsychologist. A retainer for the chart review and testing fee will be required. After the testing process is complete, the attorney will be provided with feedback and other relevant parties as requested by the attorney.
Are there any other services that are provided?
Other services are frequently requested such as consultation, review of records, review of depositions, and testimony services such as those required for depositions and trial proceedings. The requested neuropsychologist will be available to answer any questions about these services.
What should I do if I have more questions?
Please feel free to contact Scott Mellor or the neuropsychologist if you have any questions at (805) 379-4939 or (818) 518-1057.
Our office provides specialized, up-to-date services in the following areas:
Accommodations for elementary, middle, high school, and college
Accommodation requests such as the ACT, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, SAT, SSAT
Attentional disorders
Autism spectrum disorder
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Cerebrovascular disease
Chronic fatigue
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Cognitive changes following rehabilitation or educational remediation
Concussion education
Decompression illness
Disability assessment
Emotional disorders associated with neurological diseases, developmental delays
Executive disorders (e.g., initiation, working memory, planning, organization, time management, emotional dysregulation, monitoring, shifting, impulsivity)
Expert review of reports (clinical and forensic)
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Forensic evaluations
Genetic disorders such as Fragile X
Geriatric assessment
Independent medical examination (IME)
Language disorders
Learning disability and weakness (reading, written expression, mathematics)
Low birth weight
Memory disorders, including dementia
Neuropsychiatric disorders (anxiety, depression, mood instability, psychosis)
Neurotoxin exposure
Other neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions
Post-chemotherapy disorders
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Pragmatic and social communication disorders
Seizure disorder
Substance use disorders
Tourette’s syndrome
Traumatic brain injury, including post-concussion syndrome