Why See A Neuropsychologist?
A neuropsychological assessment provides a road map for intervention by systematically probing abilities and behaviors that correspond to specific aspects of brain function. An assessment provides an accurate evaluation of emotional and cognitive processing, helping an individual to function at their optimal level in all aspects of life.
An assessment can be required to determine overall functioning levels and to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses underlying the presenting difficulties. It may be requested to identity a lifelong learning disability, to establish whether a person’s struggles are related to brain or emotional involvement, or to determine an individual’s ability to benefit from a particular medical treatment or educational remediation program.
The neurocognitive assessment directs and identifies intervention needs. It is crucial in providing direction for medical, cognitive rehabilitation, and educational, remediation planning. We have been able to help individuals by providing cutting edge neuropsychological assessments to identify strengths and weaknesses across the following areas:
adaptive levels
attention and concentration
behavioral functioning
constructional skills
critical thinking
intellectual capacity
planning and
sensory-motor skills
social communication
social-emotional functioning
visual-perceptual skills
“It is crucial in providing direction for medical, cognitive rehabilitation, and educational, remediation planning.”
Our office provides specialized, up-to-date services in the following areas:
Accommodations for elementary, middle, high school, and college
Accommodation requests such as the ACT, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, SAT, SSAT
Attentional disorders
Autism spectrum disorder
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Cerebrovascular disease
Chronic fatigue
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Cognitive changes following rehabilitation or educational remediation
Concussion education
Decompression illness
Disability assessment
Emotional disorders associated with neurological diseases, developmental delays
Executive disorders (e.g., initiation, working memory, planning, organization, time management, emotional dysregulation, monitoring, shifting, impulsivity)
Expert review of reports (clinical and forensic)
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Forensic evaluations
Genetic disorders such as Fragile X
Geriatric assessment
Independent medical examination (IME)
Language disorders
Learning disability and weakness (reading, written expression, mathematics)
Low birth weight
Memory disorders, including dementia
Neuropsychiatric disorders (anxiety, depression, mood instability, psychosis)
Neurotoxin exposure
Other neurological and neuropsychiatric conditions
Post-chemotherapy disorders
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Pragmatic and social communication disorders
Seizure disorder
Substance use disorders
Tourette’s syndrome
Traumatic brain injury, including post-concussion syndrome